Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The DB2 12 for z/OS Blog Series - Part 1: SQL Pagination

Today’s blog post kicks off a new series of posts that examine new features and functionality delivered with the latest and greatest new version of DB2 foir z/OS – Version 12.

We’ll begin with a nice new feature that should make it easier for programmers writing queries where the program needs to be able to deal with a subset of results. For example, to show the first 25 rows, then the next, etc. This is a frequent requirement for mobile and web applications that are common these days.

This separating of rows into piece can now be accomplished quite easily in DB2 12 with the new OFFSET syntax. OFFSET is specified as a clause of the SELECT statement and it is used to specify the number of rows in the result table that will be skipped before
any rows are retrieved.

The offset clause is simple to code. You just need to determine the number of rows that you want to skip and code that in the clause. For example, to skip 5 rows you would code OFFSET 5 ROWS. Simple, right? Well, conceptually, yes, but in practice you have to be careful.

First of all, you must know where/when you can code an OFFSET clause. OFFSET can be specified on a subselect or fullselect that is outermost fullselect in a prepared SQL statement or a DECLARE CURSOR statement. OFFSET is also permissible in a SELECT INTO statement. However, you cannot code an OFFSET clause in a view definition, an MQT, the RETURN statement of SQL table functions, in row permissions or column masks, or in the outermost fullselect for a sensitive dynamic cursor. A further restriction is that the statements that includes the OFFSET clause cannot contain an expression that is not deterministic or that has external action.

The second, and I think more interesting aspect to consider when using the OFFSET clause is that your result set must be predictable to assure that you are retrieving useful data. As we all should know, the access path chosen by the optimizer can alter the order in which rows are returned. If you want to access rows in sets of 25, for example, then you want to make sure that each successive set does not contain any rows from previous sets, and does not omit any rows in between sets.

So how do we do this? The best approach is to code up an ORDER BY clause that specifies columns that uniquely identify each row in the result table. If there are duplicates, then there is no way to verify that you are getting the data that you want. IN other words, the order of the rows is not deterministic. The data being skipped will not be predictable and it is highly likely that you will not be accessing all of the data that you want (or perhaps even accessing the same data twice).

It is also important to understand that if the OFFSET number of rows is greater than the number of rows in the intermediate result table, you will get an empty result.

So let’s look at a quick example. Suppose we are looking for employees earning more than $50000. Further, we want to skip the first 10 rows of the EMP table, and grab the next 10. This SQL should do the trick:

WHERE SALARY > 50000.00

The OFFSET 10 ROWS will cause the first 10 qualifying rows to be skipped. The FETCH clause gets the next 10 qualifying rows (after skipping the first 10).

But OFFSET is not the only new feature to help developers with SQL pagination. Also available with DB2 12 is data-dependent pagination, which uses row value
expressions in a basic predicate. That sounds more complicated than it really is, so let’s look at an example:

We can code a WHERE clause like this to search more rows with a name greater than mine:


This is easier than what we previously had to do (before DB2 12), which was breaking the WHERE up as follows:


The bottom line is that application coding for pagination becomes a lot easier in DB2 12 for z/OS…

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Happy Holidays 2016

It is that time of year again. When we all take some time to pause and spend time with our family, friends and loved ones. We take time off of work to celebrate and reflect on the past year... and to welcome the new year.

No matter what holiday tradition you celebrate, I wish you an enjoyable holiday season. Happy holidays, that is!

And we'll meet back here again in January 2017 to talk more about DB2 stuff!

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

Today, in the United States of America, we celebrate Thanksgiving by gathering together with our loved ones and giving thanks for all we have. This includes celebrations with food, traditionally a big turkey dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy, as we watch a parade and football games...

With this in mind, I give thanks for all of the reader's of my blog, wherever you may be, and wish you a very happy day!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

DB2 for z/OS Webinar: Who Did What to Which Data When?

Today's blog post is to let you know about an upcoming webinar (July 21, 2016) that I am conducting with CorreLog on the topic of database auditing for DB2 for z/OS. 

Unless you have been living under a rock these past few years you will have heard at least something about the many data breaches, hacks, and security issues that have been prevalent in the news. These issues have resulted in numerous industry and governmental regulations that organizations must understand and comply with. Data professionals, in particular, need to be vigilant in the tools and techniques that are available for better protecting their company’s data, and tracking those that access it. One of the most important of these techniques is database auditing. 

Database auditing provides a facility for tracking the use of database resources and authority. When auditing is enabled, each audited database operation produces an audit trail of information including information such as what database object was impacted, who performed the operation and when. The comprehensive audit trail of
database operations produced can be maintained over time to allow DBAs and auditors, as well as any authorized personnel, to perform in-depth analysis of access and modification patterns against data in the DBMS.

With this basic information on database auditing in mind, you should be able to readily see how auditing can help your organization answer questions like:

  • “Who accessed or changed critical data?” and 
  • “When was the data actually changed?” and perhaps even
  • “What was the old content prior to the change?” 

Your ability to answer such questions can make or break a compliance audit. Of course, these are just the high-level details. To delve more deeply into the important issues involving database auditing requires time and research... or you can attend our upcoming webinar and get up to speed quickly on the essentials you need to know!

The webinar, entitled Who Did What to Which Data When? will elaborate on database auditing details and issues such as the data breach trends and how costly they can be, an overview of pertinent regulations and their impact, and the various types of database auditing methods with their pros and cons... all with a specific focus on mainframe DB2. And there will also be an overview and demo of CorreLog's database auditing offering for DB2 for z/OS. 

You can learn all of this and more on Thursday, July 21, 2016, at 11:00 am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

But you have to register to attend, so be sure to click here to register.

Friday, July 08, 2016

Good Old Partitioned Table Space Confusion

Partitioned table spaces have been with us in the world of DB2 forever, but even as we embark on moving to Universal table spaces, there still exists some confusion "out there" in terms of the behavior of partitioning... 

For example, consider this question:

If a table is in a partitioned table space, say four partitions, for example, then to process the table in batch can I run four instances of the batch program in parallel, one against each partition?

This type of question exhibits some confusion about how partitioned table spaces work. First of all, let's assume that we are talking about classic partitioned table spaces and/or Universal range-partitioned table spaces. 

Given that assumption, yes, you can run four instances of a batch program in parallel if you so desire. Of course, that is not necessary to get DB2 use parallel tasks to read the data. The best approach is to BIND the program (package) specifying the DEGREE(ANY) parameter. Then DB2 will choose the degree of parallelism for the batch program. This is simpler than any alternative approach you might choose to code up because DB2 handles it all for you.

If you still wish to run four instances of the batch program you, of course, can. In that case you would probably want to BIND using DEGREE(1). In order for this to work the way I infer that you intend it to work, however, you may have to modify the program somewhat. I assume that you wish each job to process only against one of the four partitions. To accomplish this, you must provide some way for the program to identify and process only the data from one of the four partitions based on the partitioning key range specified in the partitioning index. 

For example, you might choose to input parameters to the batch run specifying the key range for that program to process. As long as the program adheres to that key range you should only process data from the one partition that holds that data.

Of course, that means that your programmers must be diligent in applying the key range. Perhaps you could set up 4 views that apply the key range for each partition and then use only those views in each program. But that means you will have multiple versions of the same program. You could also specify the range as an input variable and then use only one program. But that means you have to make sure that you are sending the proper range to the input variables.

So just go with the first approach and let DB2 do it for you when it makes sense...