Thursday, September 24, 2009

Limiting the Number of Rows Fetched

Application developers frequently need to retrieve a limited number of qualifying rows from a table. For example, maybe you need to list the top ten best selling items from inventory, or a list of the top five most expensive products (i.e., highest price tag). There are several ways to accomplish this prior to DB2 V7 using SQL, but they are not necessarily efficient.

The first reaction is to simply use the WHERE clause to eliminate non-qualifying rows. But this is simplistic, and often is not sufficient to produce the results desired in an optimal manner. What if the program only requires that the top ten results be returned? This can be a somewhat difficult request to formulate using SQL alone.

Consider, for example, an application that needs to retrieve only the top ten most highly paid employees from the EMP sample table. You could simply issue a SQL request that retrieves all of the employees in order by salary, but only use the first ten retrieved. That is easy; for example:


You must specify the ORDER BY clause with the DESC key word. This sorts the results into descending order, instead of the default, which is ascending. Without the DESC key word, the "top ten" would be at the very end of the results set, not at the beginning.

But that does not really satisfy the requirement - retrieving only the top ten. It merely sorts the results into descending sequence. So the results would still be all employees in the table, but in the correct order so you can view the "top ten" salaries very easily. The ideal solution should return only the top ten employees with the highest salary and not merely a sorted list of all employees.

You can code some "tricky" SQL to support this request for all versions of DB2, such as the following:


This SQL is portable from DB2 to other DBMSs, such as Oracle or SQL Server. And, of course, you can change the constant 10 to any number you wish, thereby retrieving the top 20, or top 5, as deemed necessary by the needs of your application.

Since the SALARY column is nullable in the EMP table, you must remove the nulls from the results set. And the ORDER BY is required to sort the results in the right order. If it is removed from the query, the results will still contain the top ten, but they will be in no particular order.

But DB2, as of V7, provides an easier and less complicated way to limit the results of a SELECT statement - the FIRST key word. You can code FETCH FIRST n ROWS which will limit the number of rows that are fetched and returned by a SELECT statement.

Additionally, you can specify a new clause -- FETCH FIRST ROW ONLY clause -- on SELECT INTO statements when the query can return more than one row in the answer set. Doing so informs DB2 to ignore the other rows.

There is one difference between the new V7 formulation and the other SELECT statement we reviewed, and that is the way "ties" are handled. A tie occurs when more than one row contains the same value. The previous query we examined may return more than 10 rows if there are multiple rows with the same value for price within the top ten.

Using the FIRST key word DB2 will limit the number of rows returned to ten, even if there are other rows with the same value for price as the number ten row in the results set. The needs of your application will dictate whether ties are to be ignored or included in the result set. If all "ties" need to be included in the results set, which would mean that more than 10 rows would be needed, the new V7 feature may not prove to be helpful.

And it is also important to note that as of DB2 9, you can include the FETCH FIRST clause in a subselect. ORDER BY is allowed in a subselect, too. The subselect MUST be enclosed in parentheses and the FETCH FIRST (or ORDER BY) cannot be in the outermost fullselect of a view, or in a materialized query table.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Dynamic SQL Causing Lock Escalation?

Lock escalation is the promotion of a lock from a row, page or LOB lock to a table space lock because the number of page locks that are concurrently held on a given resource exceeds a preset limit.

But lock escalation can cause problems. Yes, when fewer locks are taken, CPU cost and memory usage can be reduced. On the other hand, escalating the size of a lock causes more resources to be locked... and that impacts concurrency with the most likely result being applications experiencing lock timeouts or deadlocks.

When lock escalation occurs, DB2 writes messages to the system log. So when complaints inevitably arrive about failing transactions you can look for the appropriate lock escalation message indicating that it could be the culprit.

But such simple steps are typically not sufficient to track down the root cause and take corrective actions. You need to be able to determine what SQL statement in what program and under what circumstances is causing the escalation. Doing so involves tracing and using performance monitoring tools.

For those interested in this topic, (indeed, the primary purpose of this blog post) you should seek out the IBM TechDoc titled Identifying the dynamic SQL statement which is causing a
lock escalation in DB2 for z/OS
. For those who don't know what a TechDoc is, don't worry, it isn't that complicated. It is basically a published piece of technical documentation that isn't part of a larger manual or IBM RedBook. They can be short papers, product flashes, presentations, etc.

This particular TechDoc details a methodology for identifying dynamic SQL statements involved in a lock escalation. It describes which traces to start, and which jobs to run to analyze the collected traces. It also explains how to analyze the trace report to find the problematic SQL statement.

You can search all of IBM's TechDocs by following this link.

Happy reading!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Approaches to Access Path Management

BIND and REBIND are important components in assuring efficient DB2 applications. Because the
BIND/REBIND process determines exactly how your DB2 data is accessed, it is important that you develop an appropriate strategy for when and how to REBIND your programs.

There are several common REBIND approaches taken by DB2 users. By far, the best approach is to REBIND your applications over time as your data and systems change. This approach involves some form of regular maintenance that keeps DB2 statistics up to date and formulates new access paths as data volumes and patterns change.

Other approaches include REBINDing only when a new version of DB2 is installed, or perhaps more ambitious, whenever new PTFs are applied to DB2. Another approach is to REBIND automatically after a regular period of time (days, weeks, months, etc.). This approach can work if the period of time is wisely chosen based on the application data – but it still can pose administrative issues.

The final approach can be summarized as “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” This is the worst of the several approaches discussed here. The biggest problem with this approach is that you are penalizing every program in your subsystem for fear that a program or two may have a degraded access path. This results in potentially many programs having sub-optimal performance because the optimizer never gets a chance to create better access paths as the data changes.

Of course, the possibility of degraded performance is real – and that is why this approach has been adopted at some sites. The problem is being able to find which statements have degraded. In an ideal world we would be to be able to review the access path changes beforehand to determine if they are better or worse. But DB2 itself does not provide any systematic method of administering access paths that way. There are third party tools that can help you achieve this though.

Anyway, let’s go back to the best approach again, and that is to REBIND on a regular basis as your data changes. This approach has become known as the three Rs. To implement this approach you:
  1. Regularly reorganize the data to ensure that it is optimally structured.
  2. Follow that with RUNSTATS to be sure that the reorganized state of the data is reflected in the DB2 Catalog.
  3. And follow that with a REBIND for all the application programs that access the data structures impacted by the REORG and RUNSTATS.
At any rate, your goal should be to keep your access paths up-to-date with the current state of your data. Failing to do this means that DB2 is accessing data based upon false assumptions. DB2 is unlikely to make the same access path choice as your data grows – and as patterns within the data change.

By REBINDing you can generally improve the overall performance of your applications because the access paths will be better designed based on an accurate view of the data. Additionally, as DB2 changes are introduced (PTFs, new version/release) optimizer improvements and new access techniques can be incorporated into the access paths. That is, if you never REBIND, not only are you forgoing better access paths due to data changes but you are also forgoing better access paths due to changes to DB2 itself.

Adopting the Three R’s approach can pose additional questions. For example, when should you reorganize? In order to properly determine when a REORG is needed you’ll have to look at statistics. This means looking at either RUNSTATS or Real-Time Statistics (RTS). So, we need to add another R – in other words:
  1. RUNSTATS or better yet, RTS
  2. REORG
Now it is true that some folks don’t rely on statistics to schedule a REORG. Instead, they just build the JCL to REORG their database objects when they create the object. So they create a table space then build the REORG job and schedule it to run monthly, or quarterly, or on some regular basis. This is better than no REORG at all, but it is probably not the best approach because you are most likely either reorganizing too soon (in which case you waste the CPU cycles to do the REORG) or you are reorganizing too late (in which case performance is suffering for a period of time before the REORG runs). Better to base your REORGs off of statistics and thresholds using either RUNSTATS or RTS.

Without accurate statistics there is little hope that the optimizer will formulate the best access path to retrieve your data. If the optimizer doesn’t have accurate information on the size, organization, and particulars of your data then it will be creating access paths based on either default or inaccurate statistics. Incorrect statistics will cause bad choices to be made – such as choosing a merge-scan join when a nested loop join would be better, or failure to invoke sequential prefetch, or using the wrong index – or no index at all. And the problem of inaccurate statistics is pervasive.

There are shops out there that never, or rarely, run RUNSTATS to gather up-to-date statistics. Make sure yours is not one of those shops!

When should you run RUNSTATS? One answer is “As frequently as possible based on how often your data changes.” To do this you will need to know a thing or two about your data growth patterns: what is its make-up, how is it used, how fast does it grow, and how often does it change? These patterns will differ for every table space in your system.

Next we need to decide when to REBIND? The best answer for this is when statistics have changed significantly enough to change access paths. When we know that data has significantly changed it makes sense to REBIND after the RUNSTATS completes. But the trick is determining exactly when we have a “significant” change in our data. Without an automated method of comparing and contrasting statistics (or even better yet, access paths) coming up with an answer in a manual way can be time-consuming and error-prone – especially if we have thousands of DB2 programs to manage.

As we REBIND, we always must be on alert for rogue access paths. A rogue access path is created when the optimizer formulates a new access path that performs worse than the previous access path. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Of course, number one is that the optimizer, though good, is not perfect. So mistakes can happen. Other factors can cause degraded access paths, too. The access paths for volatile tables depend on when you run the RUNSTATS. Volatile tables are those that start out empty, get rows added to them during processing, and are emptied out at the end of the day. And, of course, if the catalog or statistics are not accurate we can get problems, too.

So adopting the Four R’s approach implies that you will have to develop a methodology for reviewing your access paths and taking care of any “potential” problem access paths. Indeed, the Four R’s becomes the Five R’s as we add a step to review the access paths after REBINDing to make sure that there are no rogue access paths:

  1. Start RTS (or a RUNSTATS) to determine when to REORG.
  2. Reorganize the table spaces (and/or indexes)
  3. After reorganizing, run RUNSTATS again,
  4. Follow that with the REBINDs.
  5. Then we need that fifth R – which is to Review the access paths generated by the REBIND.
The review is of utmost importance because the optimizer can make mistakes. And, of course, so can you. But your users will not call you when performance is better (or the same). They only ring you up when performance gets worse. As such, proactive shops will put best practices in place to test REBIND results comparing the before and after impact of the optimizer’s choices.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Discount on IBM Information on Demand Conference

The IBM Information on Demand (IOD, for short) conference is rapidly approaching. The conference will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada the week of October 25 – 30, 2009 at the Mandalay Bay casino and hotel.

The IOD conference is IBM’s signature event for their data and information management product lines. By attending IOD 2009 you can gain unique perspectives from IBM experts, technical leaders and visionaries as well as peers in your industry. Many of the developers of IBM’s offerings, such as DB2, Informix, and IMS, will be delivering educational sessions at IOD. And over 200 customers will share real-world experiences detailing how they have unlocked the value of their information and realized tangible and immediate return on investment.

OK, so what about that discount? IBM has been kind enough to provide me with a discount code that I can share with my readers. You will need to provide the code, G09MULL, when your register for the conference and you will get a $100 discount off of your registration!

Here’s how to register on-line:

  • An IBM userid and Password are required to register. If you have an existing account ID, please select 'Register for the Conference' and sign on. If you do not have an account ID, please follow the link 'MY IBM ID' to obtain one. Complete the form and click 'SUBMIT'. You will then be allowed to continue as a registered IBM user. Click 'Continue' and select 'Register for the Conference' and sign on with your new userid and password.
  • Select registration type of 'Customer' and click 'Continue'
  • Complete the appropriate fields on the enrollment form
  • Under the 'Promotion Code Information' section, enter PROMOTION CODE G09MULL. You must enter this code to receive your $100 discount.
  • Complete the form with attendee, arrival and payment information clicking 'Continue' at the bottom of each section.
  • Click 'Submit Registration'

Note: Credit card information is required to guarantee your registration regardless of your method of payment and/or discount amount.

That’s all there is to it. And you can use the promotion code multiple times for all of the folks at you company that will be attending the Information On Demand conference in 2009.
